Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK free on android

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I see why FM 21 and 22 were helpless years, but I naively thought they'd start being responsible by Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK. As for me, I was utterly wrong. FM is a fantastic value; it's one of my favorite games since it has hundreds of hours of replayability, but this year's version is essentially just a heralded data set upgrade.
December 17, 2021
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Package Name Football Manager 2023 Mobile
Developer SEGA
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Version 14.0.4
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Requirements 4.4 and up
Last Update May 02, 2024
Date Update December 17, 2021
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Supported Platforms Android

I see why FM 21 and 22 were helpless years, but I naively thought they’d start being responsible by Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK. As for me, I was utterly wrong. FM is a fantastic value; it’s one of my favorite games since it has hundreds of hours of replayability, but this year’s version is essentially just a heralded data set upgrade.

What is Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK?

Felt happy after buying the game, and there were no planned recoveries. We’ve spent over a thousand hours with Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK (and similar amounts with FM18 and 20) and were disappointed that the game didn’t provide anything new based on the previews. When I first started playing the game, I couldn’t believe how many brand-new features and UI updates there were.

With the new data analysis update, seeing patterns becomes more accessible, and you get more precise information on how your players or group follows your plans. Plus, it’s fun to comb through everything from top to bottom and find the hidden nuances.

I don’t understand the engine deeply, but my lasting impressions are that your team is playing football and that it’s more than just the same eight or so distinct feature packages that Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK often feels like in the game.

FM23 Mobile is the smoothest and most accurate gameplay to date

The Middle Backs have seen the most improvement. It’s not just because of the new Wide Center Back job (which is a lot of fun to play with), but also because the Ball Playing Safeguards are making runs forward like you’d see in a real game, rather than standing still and pondering round before sending a long ball into space.

Finally, if you like the finer aspects of conferences, such as question-and-answer sessions and panel discussions, the conversation this year seems much more unpredictable and spectacular (up to this point).

If you’re into Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK in general, you’ll get a lot more out of 22 than just a software update and notice the minor tweaks that make a big difference. It’s 2051. The final round of the Roadster de France features LOSC Lille, a team that has yet to triumph in the competition in a long time.

It plays quickly without being sloppy

They were in Ligue 2 not too long ago. Yet here they are at last, after a significant struggle that has lasted a very long time. The score gets knotted at zero. Once Olympique Lyonnais’ key player, Alexandru Mihai, got sent off in the 69th minute, the opposition team could take control of the match. From then on, progress has stalled with disappointingly little input from outside parties.

Kouta, a striker for LOSC, had a goal ruled out for offside in the 84th minute, costing his team a chance at a second goal. It’s over quickly, and there are no options on either side. And thus, it was until the 119th second of the year 120. In the year 2033, Pierre Gicquel entered our planet.

He was born in Lille. He had loved the club for all of his 17 years. To prepare him for the 2021 championship, his parents told him stories of the club’s glory days. For as long as he could remember, all he wanted was to be the one to lead his club back to prominence, to don the captain’s armband while bringing the squad back to national (and maybe even international) acclaim.

Use the quickest Football Manager strategy to reach the top.

Even yet, the LOSC team quickly discovered his remarkable performance and elevated him to his current position: This is Kylian Mbappe. He was just 5 feet 7 inches tall, but he was swift and agile, and he eventually found his niche on the wing despite starting as a striker.

He was a devastating force in whatever youth league he participated in the Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK. He is 17 years old and having his best professional season ever with the club. Starting in 2021, Gicquel will be instrumental in the group’s most memorable championship bid, although he began the cup in last place.

Dutch winger Ibrahim Jabbie was exhausted as extra time dragged on, and LOSC had already made a judgment that it couldn’t argue with i. Gicquel walked out onto the field, and if the weight of a city rested on his shoulders, it wasn’t obvious.


It is the 119th instant. There is one extra second. The last attack of the Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK is about to begin. Gicquel and right-back Balek combine on the flank for a pass and a shot. And then, seemingly out of nowhere, there’s an opportunity. Gicquel notices and dashes inside before the guards can react.

He cuts right up to the rim of the box. His left foot is weaker, so he’s putting all his weight on it. He really couldn’t give a hoot. There are 25 yards between him and the goal. It’s nothing to him. This city, this arena where he spent his childhood, consumes a disproportionate amount of his thoughts.

The theater mode in the Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK, where the audience is now staring in awe at him. This team, which he has cheered for, supported and followed religiously from afar for all of his life, television, The bat of Pierre Gicquel meets the ball.

Get to the top of the soccer world quickly.

Everyone within the building knows its destination. one of the top corners. Hopeless and beyond rescue. On that day, Gicquel became legendary among the LOSC. At some point, he may decide to leave, mature, or attempt to “power out,” and this is something that everyone expects. It doesn’t matter at all that you said that.

Gicquel was the football’s vessel on that glorious May day in 2051. All this may be a game, after all. But at that decisive moment, it altered lives, and a tale got told it will tell that for decades to come.

I’ve played Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK for 15 years; it’s still a fantastic game. And I’ll always get a few hundred hours out of it at a minimum, but. I’ve been saying for the past five. Please update the user interface and user experience.

Team Talks are a great way to get your players’ attention.

Playing the Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK is fantastic. It’s a complete mess, and the game’s visual elements belong in 2011 rather than 2021. While Miles may be wearing his manager and regenerator faces as a badge of pride, they still look terrible, and the arena bases detract from the game’s aesthetics.

Both of them would need a small investment of resources to make significant progress. There is a huge modding community that is better than SI (which SI continues to create difficulties for), and they do it for free.

Concerning the menus, they are five years out of date; there are certain things you need to travel through several menus to get to when one snap would do the task. They may benefit from paring it down and streamlining the interface and the data collection processes inside it.


The menus need to be more organised. It gets cluttered for quite some time due to the constant addition of new highlights already present. Given the magnitude of the change that a complete redesign of the user interface and user experience would bring, I would be pleased even if Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK had no new features.

The minor issue is that the price range highlight needs to be revised, adding additional complexity to an already confusing user interface and Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK. You’ll end up with much more information than you need.

Anyone who has tried to create their crew or move view would know what I’m talking about when I say that the menus are problematic and last updated a very long time ago. They’re just playing a short version of the game inside the game to shift your viewpoint.

Take advantage of your team’s seasoned all-stars

The Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK is fantastic and the finest football matchup ever made, but it’s starting to seem like they just tacked on ten years’ worth of changes to an existing game instead of creating a new one. The Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK could be more organized, and you have more information than you need.

A year from now, I’d want to see SI implement a severe user interface and user experience redesign. Only bother with it if you’re looking for an enjoyable, relaxing game that you can finish in 30 minutes. You will lose a lot of time and get a lot of bites out of this game.

Furthermore, if you think you can “win” the game by being successful, you should think again. To anyone who reads this: use care. However, in all honesty, it’s hard to think of a Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK that provides as much fooling around (and, yes, even your nerves, at times) for so little.


In a flash, you can fantasize about conducting meetings while cleaning up, overthinking spots that need replacement while trying to complete the “real” task, or pondering new ways to work on your plan in the dressing room. Get it, have it sent, and allow us to aid you in forgetting the present.

Then that’s what all those PC games got needed in the Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK. It has excellent performance thus far. I haven’t had too many hiccups. However, I did have a significant crash when using the proofreader that can get purchased for $5.99. The 2021 version is relatively identical, so you don’t need to upgrade if you already have that one.

Do you think it was trouble? Maybe, however. Truthfully, I have no idea. Although each match’s engine is different, I have noticed certain commonalities. Imagine you have a 2, 3, or even 4-0 lead in the first half of a match.


Even with subs in the final stages of games, your team cannot score. In some games, you will achieve goals at the very end, but in others, it’ll be the other way around. There is certainly a case where just one of you will achieve your goals. Again, injuries are a constant problem for your team.

Yes, it goes much beyond what can get reasonably expected. In one season, I sustained seven long-distance wounds. It is common throughout the FM series, which always makes me laugh. The sheer quantity was overwhelming, so I bought the manager.

Sometimes, an extensive explanation is unnecessary, especially when the player’s information is readily apparent. So far, I’m enjoying it, and there isn’t much more to say.

You can leave your mark on the game in a whole new way.

Sometimes, it might be tedious to meet with the employees and the media regularly, but you learn to deal with it. For a while, it bothered me. Even if you alter your schedule so that you don’t have to attend the office every week, you’ll still get pestered by the media. In all likelihood, that is how things work in practice.

After two hundred hours, this is an exceptional Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK. This year’s release is better than average. I’ll keep going, but if you have 2021, you don’t have to, so feel free to vent your frustrations if you need more convincing. IT hAS a few simple, pleasant, and substantial alterations. Yes, it’s something I recommend.

After 624 hours and twenty or more seasons of listening to Manchester United on Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK, I’ve decided that this year’s passing is the perfect time for a fresh start. I’ve just started as an ac Milan, and what I’ve done so far is copied and pasted from FM21.

You’ll develop new skills and qualities.

What I’ve seen of the new matchmaking system suggests it’s far superior, but the most interesting new feature is the weekly or monthly staff get-togethers. It is a simple but exceptional addition since it eliminates a mountain of junk mail from your inbox and centralizes your email management.

If you’re a dedicated player, as I have been since the Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK’s inception, you should be able to figure it out. If you’ve just recently begun using Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK, it could be worth keeping an eye out for price drops or acquiring it for less money elsewhere.

I am so impressed that, like clockwork, I will spend much more time than I should on the insanely addictive Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK Fury Test System. Why socialize when you can manage a virtual football team instead? I have yet to spend a lot of time with VAR options, etc., so I need to verify whether or not they’ve genuinely progressed or assume that they’ve rejected goals every time.

The Story

Since completing this survey, I’ve been awarded four goals due to VAR’s decision-making, so I’m happy to report that they’ve fixed a major issue for me. Additionally, my use of the 3D match engine has revealed much more of its potential, and the improvements to handles and ball control are astounding.

Unlike in previous match engines, players no longer constantly push. They no longer casually saunter into defenses and immediately lose possession. They now handle the ball correctly, and the more talented they are, the more variety there will be in how they play.

Sports Intelligent should get a lot of credit for creating such a fun and challenging game. Football Manager 22 is a perfect continuation of the series illustrious history. The match engine has undergone significant revisions in recent years, making it seem more realistic with each passing season.

There are, however, a few problems. The structure for components and player communication gets broken. Players will fly off the handle at the tiniest of things, and typically you are walking a tight line when interacting with your players.


Players will flock to you if they think you will sell them for a little premium since the exchange list value gets broken. You are keeping your gamers happy while succeeding is more complicated than it needs to be. This part of the Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK is more comparable to a dating sim than a football sim.

Similarly, this year’s trades seem like a complete shot in the dark. You have to believe that you’re at the mercy of karma if you’re trying to buy or sell gamers at a reasonable price. Credits are nearly impossible to acquire without a senior subsidiary.

The labor meetings are utterly pointless. They just took what might have been a single email and turned it into this tediously drawn-out process of collecting everyone’s responses. Suppose you want to participate in the Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK actively. In that case, they will likely make counterproductive suggestions to your goals (for example, get a player to prepare something entirely different from what you want).


The same goes for the exchange window gatherings. At this point, I’d like it to be included in the inquiry email. Please take these with a grain of salt; for every aspect of the V I dislike, I like at least a hundred. Except for the matching motor, this year’s changes seem like they need to be improved. I’m lovely at football for executives, being able to identify as a football player and a manager.

The football team is excellent at making do with what it has, but the manager is a terrible footballer. That is the dualism of man. I veer, of course. It’s fair to assume there’s a decent explanation for why this Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK of reproduction is so universally loved and detested.

The diehards want tweaks made to the favorite match engine because it’s too predictable, while the newcomers complain that it’s too complicated. For my needs, the answer is that it is both too easy and too difficult in predictable ways. A cricket scoreline gets guaranteed a five-goal halftime advantage, but a wheezing tie results in a constructive penalty.

Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK Insight

Stating this doesn’t indicate that the game could be better. If you’re already a fan of football management sims, here’s where your newfound passion for the genre will shine through. The central information point is about as valid as any other detail, which is not very.

Public interviews provide a wider variety of wording options, which isn’t the game’s biggest issue [claps hands]. If you’re starting in football management, you’ll be happy to know that, depending on which team you choose, the Football Manager 2023 may play mobile APK almost entirely hands-free.

Although certain factions provide a distinctive challenge like that of Crusader Kings 2, the Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK has become much more player-friendly in recent iterations, particularly regarding the quantity and quality of the information provided and the clarity of its tooltips.

Offline Single-Player

A certified approval, considering that the information center point does not warrant the total value of the Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK. The Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK seemed strange initially, but after grabbing another skin for itself and permitting the names, it turned out to be significantly more tomfoolery.

It took me a few completed associations to grasp the technicians’ lingo. The background work in this Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK is extensive. It’s difficult to avoid the question, so you try to explain how engineers created such a massive substance.

Even if there are only a few games like Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK, I’d still suggest it to anyone who likes this genre. It will rehash it less often due to game requirements. I need elements such as football players going out the night before a game and failing to prepare for it adequately.

Online Multiplayer Mode

Players are less likely to complain about the offer when bigger teams come knocking. Additional personal details get included. While playing a game, you should sometimes find yourself smiling. Club members and football players need to have distinct methods of setting boundaries.

It’s essential to give amazing athletes a reference that sets them apart. It should include seriously intriguing material. It’s safe to state that the development is fantastic. Feel free to do so if you’ve previously played Football Manager French.

If you put a lot of time into FM, it’s worth it (FM remains one of the best-regarded games available), but if you play it for a few hours a year, there’s little use in spending money on it. It’s a minor adjustment to Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK, and many new features need to be better implemented or otherwise useless.

How To Play

Suppose they function at all, which is a big if. It’s a nice upgrade if you last bought an FM in approximately 2019. when this model was released, if it is FM, then you will do rather well. Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK, on the other hand, is far from being unique.

I’ve given it the go-ahead because of the value it brings, but it’s a very tentative yes. I left FM 22 after over a thousand hours and considered that year a misfortune. After 30 beta hours, my initial reaction is that this year is even more disappointing than last (by more awful, I mean fewer changes and enhancements than in previous years).

Some of the new features are fantastic, such as the fan data and assumptions and the end-of-season manager timeline (the latter of which I was not expecting to appreciate), but they are all retroactive. Nonetheless, it is here that significant conclusions for the new components get drawn.

Matchmaking and Gameplay

The exploring adjustments are time-consuming and make it appear more strange to set up (plus, I only operate some of the time, but I’ll chalk this up to beta flaws rather than design flaws and hope I’m correct).

For some inexplicable reason, the previous frame is still in place for specific competitions, further adding to the chaos. While the plan to organize the workers is ingenious, it has got poorly implemented (and its design is horrendous; ideally, skins will help here). For some reason, it now takes me three clicks instead of one to return to the crew depth view I previously used.

For whatever reason, SI moved the player’s attributes to the tiniest area on the player screen, making it almost impossible to view them. Skins may once again come to the rescue in this situation. Changes to the game and the match engine are noticeable, although minor (you will free the ball in midfield more often. 

And the AI will no longer wait until the 72nd minute to adapt their plan against you). But the Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK otherwise plays and feels quite similar to Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK.

Story And Missions

There was a lot of talk about how difficult the Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK would be, but it was relatively easy. Problems arise because of your self-imposed constraints and the company you keep, as is always the case with FM. I’m disappointed with a Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK that I’ll play for at least a thousand hours.

As I expected, there weren’t many changes to the component recordings, discharge notes, etc., but the “new” highlights introduced in Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK is either poorly implemented or don’t have a significant impact on the game itself.

I’m a long-time user of Title and Football Manager. I like participating in the games, but due to the length of my games and the little differences between them, I often receive all the attention. So far, I’ve used FM19, FM21, and the Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK.

When the highlights finally showed, I felt a little down about it. New viewpoints that weren’t a little superficial were scarce. By the end of the day, the new permissions system is little more than a graphical extension of Crew Organizer.

The Open World

Without a doubt, one of the most significant short-term goals of the series is to put off taking care of world administration until after the World Cup. More business-related happiness was something I was looking for, too. Over the last decade, we have all seen how “Man UFC” has failed miserably on the field but made huge financial strides.

To make important decisions about where to go, the impact of signings on online entertainment, and the best way to ensure associates get paid, I need the Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK’s support more than it now provides.

Even though it is just hinted at in the engine, including it would give the show another executive style. As a Steamdeck owner, I would like more official backing for Steamdeck’s graphical implementation of games. The results are excellent (far faster than on my PC), and I look forward to playing around with the controls and transporting FM around town.


I’ve heard that the steam cloud-based saves may be a little iffy, so here’s hoping they hold up. Nevertheless, despite my apprehensions, I’ve had a great time with the Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK. So far, my experiences have been great, and the team concentrated on matching motor and computer-based intelligence as the central mechanics.

As long as the motions seem realistic, natural, and fluid, which they do, the illustrations themselves become less important to me with time. Following a superstar player like Neymar will show you how the art of spilling has evolved into something extraordinary.

Players’ initial meetings get grounded due to their increased realism and awareness (details permitting!). I’ve considered how often I complain that FIFA focuses too much on frivolous game modes and ideas rather than fixing the core, persistent interface problems.

Generally speaking:

Could I eventually get dissatisfied with what this place offers? It may be because I still need to play the most recent installment. However, given the price of £32 and considering how often I will play the Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK, I am more than excited to complete the whole game this season.

Feel free to share your thoughts if you identify with or disagree with the above. I’d love to hear about people’s experiences, particularly steam deckers. I took a break from the Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK in 2016 because it had become too simplistic.

I decided to subscribe again with the 2019 shipment, and I liked it so much that I’ve received it regularly. The difference between 2021 and 2022 wasn’t huge, but 2022 was an upgrade, so let’s talk about the Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK. For someone like me, the game’s current trades and redesigned graphics are enough to make me like it, but they won’t justify the price tag.

Lots of room to explore

I was genuinely cheerful when I found out that this would have authorized European competitions. You might modify it and make it eventually look fairly licensed, yet this is genuinely cool, from the live pulls to the authority scoreboards and the subject change on the skin.

It looks astonishing and makes European games feel more vivid than at any other time, so I give them 10/10. Although there has yet to be a significant visual overhaul of previous versions, the matches look and flow as smoothly as ever. I’ve finally seen a lot of advancement in player growth and positioning, especially among goalkeepers.

My manager has made a couple of hero-like comebacks to keep me in games when, in previous incarnations, he would have just stood there motionless. It’s nothing significant, but little things like these keep me coming back year after year. If you’re new to the Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK, can afford it and are a complete addict like myself and many others, then I think you should get this.


Should you buy it if you own the year 2022? If you can’t put up enough money to buy it right now, wait until 2022 and believe it cheaply. The game’s licensing problems have to get resolved, and the game’s club logos and other elements are consistent with previous versions. Excellent job, Sports Intelligent. I can’t wait to get the rest of my order and different skins from that area.

This year’s matchmaking is more chaotic than all the world’s black holes. A lot of the time, your football team should be a bunch of mongooses and honey badgers that muck about aimlessly on fields the size of giant pool tables. The chaos is fascinating, but there needs to be more of a backstory for the security.

Graphics and Sound

A pinball machine of missed passes, long throws, tedious checking, and absurd long shots from men, with four, completed and eight procedures. It’s no laughing matter how often I’ve seen “footballers” (muppets) with obviously elite positioning, checking, focus, and speed gets outmaneuvered by a flat-out vegetable of a player.

If you played FM 22, you’d feel right at home with Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK, which has only a few tweaks and the latest deals. For as long as I can remember, I’ve enjoyed Football Manager. However, after four hours of playing Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK, I need help identifying any significant differences from previous years.


Nonetheless, with all the football simulations from the last 40 years, I’ll be spending a lot of time with FM next year since I enjoy the Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK so much. There is no better option than FM radio right now. The world’s most formidable football testing system and a mammoth undertaking as a text replication. For the most part, I don’t notice other people’s faults with the match engine, and if you’re a casual soccer fan like me, you won’t, either.


The numerical age and authenticity are pretty straightforward, so I don’t see any problems. My only gripes are that the Football Manager 2023 Mobile APK takes too long to simulate, that you can’t make drastic changes in-game, and that you can’t use saves from older versions. However, transferring proofreader data between versions is now generally painless. But those are minor issues. That this game exists, let alone gets bogged down by a tonne of downloadable content, is a miracle.

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What's new

Updated some data
Updated some translations
Tweaks to title challenge narratives
Some fixes to improve reliability of match
Fixed Korean date format in match screens
Give key players more chances to play even if their form is initially bad at a club
Fixed some issues with clause calculations
Made some improvements to contract negotiations
Fixed Club World Championship
Toned down tendency of big clubs to overspend
Various rare crash fixes
Various user interface tweaks


Version Size Requirements Date
13.2.0 Varies with device 4.4 and up 17/12/2021
13.1.2 Varies with device 4.4 and up 17/12/2021
13.1.1 Varies with device 4.4 and up 17/12/2021
13.1.0 Varies with device 4.4 and up 17/12/2021