Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK (MEGA MOD) free on android

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How to install Apk & Obb?

1. Download Required APK & OBB.

2. Back-Up Your Existing Save Data Or (Skip This).

3. Uninstall Old Version of Game.

4. Install Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK 11.2.1 (MEGA MOD) free on android 11.2.1.apk Downloaded.

5. Unzip/extract The Downloaded Obb To /sdcard/android/obb

6. If there is No OBB Folder Create it.

7. Play & Enjoy.

💻 How to install Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK 11.2.1 (MEGA MOD) free on android 11.2.1.apk on Windows?

1. Download & install LDPlayer - Android Emulator.

2. Open the LDPlayer app.

3. Drag Shadow Fight 2.apk to the LDPlayer.

How to install Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK 11.2.1 (MEGA MOD) free on android 11.2.1.apk on MAC?

For Mac users, you can try Bluestack for Mac to install Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK 11.2.1 (MEGA MOD) free on android 11.2.1.apk on Mac.

Is Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK 11.2.1 (MEGA MOD) free on android 11.2.1.apk free to download?

Yes, Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK 11.2.1 (MEGA MOD) free on android 11.2.1.apk is free to download for Android devices, but it may contain in-app purchases.

What's the download size of Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK 11.2.1 (MEGA MOD) free on android 11.2.1.apk?

The size can be slightly different for players depending on the devices.

What language does Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK 11.2.1 (MEGA MOD) free on android 11.2.1.apk support?

Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK 11.2.1 (MEGA MOD) free on android 11.2.1.apk supports more languages. Go to More Info to know all the languages it supports.


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Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK (MOD, Unlimited Coins/Gems/Suns) – Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK is such a significant game that it characterizes the Pinnacle Guard type all alone. Heaps of different games effectively carried out similar thoughts in various ways, yet seldom will you find something so clean and very much planned as this one. 

What is Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK?

Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK is a straightforward game on a fundamental level: shield your home against the zombies by utilizing plants.  In any case, all that there appears to be impeccably adjusted and ultimately thought out.

Indeed, even the fundamental executives (for example, obtaining “sun units” produced by a few unique plants) end up being one of the main things to dominate. If not, you might wind up with either an extreme or excessively little.

There is certainly not an ideal recipe, as it shifts depending upon the level and sorts of foes. Talking about which, the zombies aren’t simply the ordinary ones.  Some of them have exceptional capacities that will keep you occupied with the methodology for some time.


The variety is sufficient, the perfect measure to make you pause for a moment before picking your weapons store in each level. Likewise, things can be very troubling, contingent upon the ongoing climate (you see, zombies don’t simply attempt to come in through the front entryway).

Some might contend that Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK is all too simple, which is generally valid. It isn’t accurate with a portion of the more miniature-than-expected games, particularly a couple of accomplishments.

It was enjoyable going through every one of them and exceptionally fulfilling. Indeed, even the inactive snapshots of the game, for example, dealing with the Harmony Nursery and taking care of the Tree of Astuteness, were charming.

Discover a Wide Variety Of Plants And Zombies

Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK is a simple game to prescribe to any sort of player, in-your-face or not. It’s the correct thing at any snapshot of the day. There are no multiplayer or high goals here, but Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK beats present-day games gracefully.

PopCap was once the lord of all-around created and compelling games that didn’t request much from you, but you adhere to them like paste. PvZ2 (Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK) is, as I would like to think, one of the most remarkable instances of Mastercraft work from the studio.

Said game has been with me since the day my young self found a demo online for it. From that day on, it’s a game that I return to occasionally, and it even became well-known to my mom. Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK is a bright path-based system game inside the Pinnacle Protection type.

Collect Your Favorite Lawn Legends

Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK was the first path TD I played, yet it was simple for me to become hopelessly enamoured as one of my top classifications is Pinnacle Guard. The game is straightforward to slip into, particularly for amateurs.

Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK shouldn’t imply that the game is simple. Specific difficulties and late-game levels will considerably test your seed bundle abilities. Be that as it may, there’s a lot of extra side substance here to give something to everybody.

I should pressure that I like to do a completely fresh start playthrough of only the preceding composition for these surveys. Be that as it may, for PvZ, I just did a fractional go-through with the game. So if the data is off, expect I’ll have it repaired sometime in the future.

General Ongoing interaction (Experience Mode)

While beginning another profile, you will approach the Experience mode. This ‘story’ method comprises five separate zones with ten levels each. For a sum of 50, you generally speak Experiencing mode levels to play. You’ll get entrusted with battling off floods of progressively troublesome zombies with just your nursery of plants.

Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK is An incredible particular thought. Each stage comprises five even (lines) paths, 6 for Pool stages, and nine vertical (sections) courses. It sets up a board, or yard for this situation, of tiles upon which you can unreservedly put your plants.

Earn Seed Packets as you play

You do this by gathering sun power. Experience mode will take you from the front yard to the backyard pool, the two of which come in day and night varieties and, ultimately, the rooftop. After each level, you’ll get granted another plant seed parcel, another device, or even a composed message from the zombies.

Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK

Each fifth level is a minigame challenge. Insane Dave will present himself, and not long after, you’ll begin gathering coins while playing.  It can spend these at Dave’s shop for new plants, more seed spaces, and different treats.

You’ll likewise sporadically get gifts which contain plants for your Harmony Nursery and minigames. You want to keep the zombies from eating your minds and, at last, crushing Dr Zomboss. Indeed, an undeniable Pinnacle Protection supervisor fight. Whenever you’ve finished Experience mode, the other game’s substance depends upon you.

Put your planting skills to the test

Furthermore, you’ll open New Game+. It permits you to play through each of the 50 levels once more, but with more extensive measures of zombies for more prominent tests and as reasonable as to beat all, Dave will drive pick three plants indiscriminately per level that you should manage within the game.

Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK ongoing interaction is smooth and straightforward yet complex enough to permit decisive reasoning.  The interactivity elements will change in view of season, day, and kind of plant. For instance, a few plants, for example, Mushrooms, will rest whenever set during the day.

Assuming that you have the suitable means, it is feasible to awaken them. Around evening time, solar power won’t drop from the sky, so it’s a slower begin to put costly plants.  It is the reason most shroom plants are less expensive, yet in addition, more fragile.

Places like the rooftop get slopped, so you plan to utilize launch-type plants to send off assaults over the incline. Also, the wide assortment of zombies has different shortcomings that specific plants will succeed at dealing with in the Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK.

To Give Here are some examples

Scaled-down Games

Perhaps my main thing from the Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK. There are so many different minigames to play and finish. They’re extraordinary approaches to pause for a minute, appreciate something unique, or gather cash for Dave’s shop. Everyone is exceptionally novel and unique about the last. Anyway, remember that some of them are unbelievably difficult. Zombotany might overwhelm you, for instance.

While I appreciate practically every one of them, the exemplary Whack-a-Zombie is likely the one I play the most. You’ll likewise track down a lot of references to other PopCap games inside this assortment of minigames.

Puzzle Mode

It flips the job and sees you playing as the zombies. There are a ton of amusing riddles to tackle inside this. Tragically, Jar Breaker is my most un-most loved mode in the Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK. Simply because it’s based totally around RNG, as I would see it, it’s not a “puzzle”. After finishing all stages in the different riddle, you’ll open a Perpetual mode for continuous play.

Endurance Mode

As it says on the tin, this mode contains an assortment of levels whose main objective is to make due! It’s expected to be more diligent than your standard Experience Mode level. Like with Puzzle mode, you’ll open Vast renditions of each stage as you complete them for persistent play.

Harmony Nursery

Last but not least, the Harmony Nursery is an inactive region you can leave and return to later. You gather and develop your plants here, move them around, and get compensated for doing as such. It’s a quiet and fun little mode. 

However, there’s tiny to do in it while beginning, and it gets planned to be played with consistently. Unfortunately, you can do a limited amount at once to sit around idly for somebody to get parched. When you get full gardens moving, however,Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK tends to be a tomfoolery treat to attempt to gather the plants as a whole.

Extra Notes

There’s a brilliant soundtrack to back the ongoing interaction. A snappy exhibition by Supershigi in ‘Zombies on Your Yard’. A side mode that permits you to modify the banner zombie. Bunches of charming zombie and plant plays on words/jokes—many Hidden little goodies (Essentially to other PopCap games). 

Compete Against Others In Arena

I recollected when Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK was recently delivered and began its real success. Many of my companions, gamers and not -were playing this simple game, beating the story, getting through the vast difficulties, raising the blossoms and the Incomparable Tree.

Furthermore, I’m discussing grown-ups, 25+ years, with the positions, families, and not. I likewise got into this fever then, at that point, over a decade prior. Furthermore, I tracked down this game on Steam and showed it to my kids – and they stuck into it immediately and for quite a while.

Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK is a charming pinnacle guard strategic game for relaxing diversion. So if you see an uncommon adverse decision in favour of this Predominantly Certain game – not by Steam markings but by its sizeable inward energy and appeal, it’s going either for something being ‘excessively simple’ or not working as expected on cutting-edge computers.

Online Multiplayer Mode

Indeed, it turns out only great for me now (in case it wasn’t already obvious). I would instead not fall into extensive clarifications. Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK is a numbskull. Of a decent kind. The one you can provide for your children or elderly folks. Or, then again, appreciate everything without help from anyone else. My biased assessment is – a 10/10 imprint. A splendid game!

It’s fit both as a game for veterans of the class and novices who wish for a sweet and smooth presentation. I see myself playing Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK for a long time to come. It is an incredible illustration of what I’d. I energetically suggest this game.

Movement is fulfilling, and it’s tomfoolery evaluating new systems. I wish the Xbox 360/PS3 forms got ported because those are, by a wide margin, the ideal variants of PVZ. The HD widescreen support on those forms makes the visuals genuinely stick out.

How To Play Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK

There was even neighbourhood multiplayer. I trust that sometimes there’s a Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK Grand form with Widescreen support, HD visuals, regulator support with nearby and online multiplayer, and the little elite games tracked down in the Ds and Dsi variants. Sell that for $15-$20, and I will readily get it.

Not saying this variant is awful or anything. The worth is astounding, simply just sitting at $4.99. You’re getting a complete insight. Plant vs Zombies is a charming, habit-forming, fun game for all ages. I played it a ton on my outdated PC, and it even ran fine.

The Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK has an extensive story with different difficulties in surviving. There are many plants, zombies and guides to mess with, and the game is highly habit-forming to play. The story is exceptionally straightforward, however fun. Insane Dave is a hilarious character.

Matchmaking and Gameplay

Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK is a pinnacle guard game. Your undertaking is to guard the nursery against influxes of adversaries and redesign the nursery. It starts simple. However, new zombies and plants get added throughout the story, and things can get tested.

You will procure coins and prizes, which you use to purchase new stuff from the store and redesign your Harmony Nursery. The game is fundamental with regards to illustrations, yet at the same it’s charming. Every one of the plants and zombies has exciting abilities and amusing looks.

The Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK is minuscule, yet there’s much content here to appreciate. Challenge mode, endurance, story, Harmony Nursery, water park, smaller than regular games,tree-challenge and a store, loaded with significant and fun overhauls. The tomfoolery goes on and on forever.

Story And Missions

Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK is an account of clashing convictions, misfortune, and having the solidarity to survive. Specific individuals view PvZ2 (Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK) as a straightforward pinnacle safeguard game made for small kids, while genuine men truly get serious. It isn’t very accurate.

PvZ2 is, to a greater extent, a social editorial. Plants battling against Zombies? What an irrational thought. No, this is nature battling humankind. I accept that the principal PvZ book had the Zombies utilizing machines to control the Plants.

Doesn’t this appear to be a piece to near and dear? It is my viewpoint that Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK gets set in our reality. Be that as it may, Insane Dave’s impression of the world is a contorted form of people.

It can be valid as a result of Insane Dave’s undeniable mind harm. He alludes to you (The player) as someone he can trust, yet conceivable he’s likewise schizophrenic. Another hypothesis could be that Insane Dave’s mind made you a method for safeguarding himself.

The Open World

Let’s get real here for a minute. I wouldn’t need to live in a world brimming with Zombies without a solitary human existence. The genuine misfortune of this story isn’t how it precisely thinks about humankind’s missteps but how it went around their heads. So I’ll pass on you with something to bite on: Have you known about an omnivore Zombie? Truth be told. The Zombies gets intended to address us.

Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK

After playing the exceptionally disheartening DS variant of Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK, this PC adaptation feels and plays perfectly. The point when I found out about PvZ the whole first time when I was like 8, I watched ZackScottGames play it and adored it.

Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK is a pinnacle guard game that I was genuinely anticipating playing when I understood it’s on the DS, and I got it on Christmas. At the point when I began playing, I was truly disheartened.  However, I constrained myself to complete it since I got it.

I finished it in about seven days, and it was damnation. The designs looked great for the DS, and a touchscreen made it simple to put plants and gather sun/cash. Other than that, the framerate was terrible when Waves occurred (It can go from fair to like five fps), a lot of little bugs, and the Multiplayer was a failure.

Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK Interactivity

The entertaining zombie liveliness wasn’t there (For instance, when a zombie gets exploded on the PC rendition, they become dark and go to clean. On the DS adaptation, they become dark and vanish.). It so downsized a lot in the DS rendition that it was a significant buzz-kill for 40 bucks.

Not this time. 8-9 years after that train unleash, I got the PC rendition when it was on special, and it’s a great deal better and more charming. Alright, on to the genuine survey: Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK is a Pinnacle Guard game where you want to involve plants to protect your home from zombies.

To establish your plants, you want Sun. To get Sun, you can develop Sunflowers to build how much Sun you can call or pause (setting Sunflowers is the most innovative thought toward the beginning.). When you get sufficient Sun for a plant you need (Model: Peashooter), you can choose that plant and put it into an accessible spot in the yard.

Ultra-challenging Endless Zones

It’s shortsighted, indeed. However, it gets testing as eff in later levels. You are at your yard at levels 1-# and 2-#. The yard is the simplest since it’s just five paths, and you needn’t bother with a great plant to get every one of the paths (except on 2-#). Levels 3-# and 4-# is the patio.

Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK

The patio is more diligently since you have six paths, and the two paths in the centre are water paths. You want Lily Cushions to put plants in the water. Level 3-# isn’t precisely terrible and takes a piece to get used to, yet on Level 4-#, you want to understand what you are doing.

Mist takes up a portion of the right of the screen, and you want an exceptional plant to dispose of a part of the haze. You don’t know where a zombie is or what path it’s in, in light of the mist hindering the view.

Fun Mini-games

Levels 5-# and 6-# is the most challenging degrees. Everything happens on your ridiculous rooftop, implying there is no ground for your plants. You want a unique plant, which is the Vase. Also, you can put it on window boxes on the rooftop and establish a plant on it. What makes it so hard? Vases cost Sun to put down, and there are seven paths, so it will require a ton of investment to set aside a ton of Sun for Window boxes and plants.

However, Levels 5-# and 6-# utilize the most grounded zombies in the game. It makes things considerably more testing. You must be quick and want to understand what you are doing. The last level in the Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK is the previous chief, which I won’t ruin. At level 1/3/5-#, it’s light, which implies you can get Sun from the sky, yet at 2/4/6-#, you don’t get Sun from the sky, meaning that you can get Sun from your plants.

There’s Always A New Challenge To Complete

There are a lot of various zombies in the Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK. There is the typical one, which is simple as heck, Conehead Zombies, which take two Peashooters to kill. Ironbucket Zombies, which take 3 Peashooters, and Football Zombies, which need a great safeguard to kill. Disco Zombies, which brings zombies when he acts very much like solid as the Coneheads, and a lot more. It keeps the Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK new and doesn’t make it dull after the absolute first Levels.

There are various plants to pick from in the game too. There is north of 25 different plants to choose from, and you open one toward the end on pretty much every Level. Sunflowers are your companion and will continuously be in this game.

Even though there are many plants to browse, the game doesn’t hold your hand regarding picking toward the beginning at pretty much every Level. You can hold up to six plants to look over and purchase more at Insane Dave’s store.

Ready Your Best Defenses

So that implies you want to think when you make your decisions, as it can blow up. Discussing Insane Dave’s store, you can purchase redesigns and different things in Levels. To buy items, you want to get Insane Dave’s keys (in 3-5, I think) and set aside cash for the things (coins get dropped now and again when zombies get killed.).

Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK

Assuming you have sufficient money, you can purchase that thing and involve it in the Level. It’s beneficial. I realize there is something else to the game. However, I maintain that you should give it a shot and see what the game brings to the table.

For five bucks, it’s worth the effort! However, I had a few defects with the android: It needs a Center, as on the control centre forms. Playing alone without anyone else is fun, yet playing the Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK with a companion makes it an impact to play.

Become The Ultimate Garden Guardian.

If it was Vs. Multiplayer (like the DS variant.), then, at that point, not this time. I wish you could avoid the instructional exercise toward the beginning of the game because the instructional practice wears work out.

I genuinely suggest it! Assuming you love Pinnacle Protection games, a game that will give great diversion or a decent chuckle, this is for you! The interactivity is incredible stuff. Get it on PC, not on the DS.


  • Good Designs
  • Excellent Voice Acting and Sounds
  • You gradually gain new kinds of plant protection, which makes the game seriously fulfilling
  • The zombies are diverting
  • To open every one of the zombies, you need to beat the game two times which adds to its replay esteem
  • The Manager of the game looks cool
  • The music video after you won the game


  • It can consume a large chunk of the day to get to a problematic level
  • There should be different trouble settings for the primary game
  • They ought to have added a way where the player can pick what zombies assault number in a speciality mode game has got beaten

Power up attacks

Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK is a pinnacle guard game where you have you protect your home from zombies by putting various plants in your yard to keep the zombies out. Assuming that the zombies arrive at the finish of your yard without being halted, you want to begin once more.

While the game gets simple, some modes and accomplishments can be highly challenging and require more methodology. It was one of my number one games when I was a youngster, and I was intrigued to perceive how the Steam form would hold up.

The Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK comprises at least one or two game modes. Experience is the super game mode, which takes you through 50 levels, progressively acquainting you with the various zombies you’ll need to battle and the plants you’ll use to guard yourself.

Double-down Defenses

There is likewise an assortment of minigame modes, where you play multiple levels with various arrangements of rules and exceptional difficulties. There are additionally two sorts of puzzle modes. In Vasebreaker, you want to break every one of the jars to track down the secret zombies inside and organize the plants to kill them.

Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK

In this game, you get a decision of various zombies, and you’ll need to utilize them to move beyond different cardboard plants to eat the cerebrums. The last mode is Endurance, where you play through a specific number of banners in one of the various phases of the Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK, having the opportunity to reselect your plants and update your guards between waves.

The Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK is straightforward, generally, albeit a few explicit levels and accomplishments are significantly more testing than the others. The vast forms of specific game modes get undeniably challenging after a couple of rounds, and getting the achievements connected with them is highly problematic.

Speed Up Planting Time

It isn’t generally so troublesome as I recollect being a youngster. However, some parts are as yet disturbing at this point. The craftsmanship style is charming, and I love the plans for the multitude of various plants and zombies.

The music is additionally enjoyable, and everything assists with making the game tomfoolery and unwinding, in any event, when the levels baffle. Even though the game is more seasoned, I generally disapproved of it. Sporadically the game will haphazardly decline to send off, saying it’s feeling the loss of a record (I’ve disliked a portion of the other old Popcap games as well).

Notwithstanding, the fix is straightforward and can be tracked down effectively in conversation discussions. The Steam overlay doesn’t work since it’s exploded excessively huge. Strife won’t allow you to share the game except if it’s in windowed mode.

Gain Entirely New Abilities

Generally speaking, none of it has exacerbated the game a lot. By and large, Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK is as yet an enjoyable methodology game. While I, in all actuality, do receive nostalgic delight in return, I think the game would be great for newbies searching for adorable, easygoing system games.

It’s again really modest, particularly on special or packaged with a portion of Popcap’s different works of art (albeit the group they have now is sadly a lot more modest than the one I initially got it in).

By and large, 10/10The old-fashioned exemplary Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK game before EA destroyed the game was genuinely astonishing before it brought all the microtransactions into the series. In this game, you get the total bundle.

You get all this game brings to the table at no cost and gets the things you want. You should play the game and acquire them. The game has a ton of replayability since various game modes are delightful to play, and later on, you get a nursery where you can develop plants to bring in cash to buy things.

Boost your plants

How you would get plants is basic. You play the Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK and don’t have to spend any money whatsoever! Alright, now that I made a point to focus on that ongoing interaction, the game is unwinding but testing simultaneously, which I love. The music is snappy and healthy, and you can surmise that the setting and story are basic.

Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK

I love playing tower protection games, and I need to say this would presumably be my #1 out of everyone since there is a wide assortment of plants to browse and an assortment of zombie types that you need to shield from taking your minds.

For what reason would you say you are as yet perusing this section in the game? Jump into the fun since you have a nursery to protect. You will think twice about it! Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK is an awesome habit-forming tower safeguard game where you shield the house from silly-looking zombies, utilizing various blossoms, plants, mushrooms, and such.

Level Up Through Leagues

It’s an incredible loosening-up game, and on the off chance, the experience mode is short. It has much replayability with the Experience Mode replay mode, the Small Games, and the Riddle modes. Endurance Mode, getting redesigns for plants and dealing with stuff at the Harmony Nursery for a few chunks of change.

It has a ton of profundity for a straightforward game, and the range of plants makes it open for different techniques. The designs are cartoony and lively, an incredible enchanting game for his age. Concerning the music, it has a ton of infectious tunes created by Laura Shigihara, bringing a great deal of appeal to the music made for this game.

Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK is a system tower safeguard game from PopCap, which is currently essential for Electronic Expressions. Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK Version is an excellent and fun game with incredible interactivity.

Journey Through Space And Time

Protect your home from attacking zombies who need to eat your minds, with many plants, for example, peashooter, chomper, cherry bomb or wall-nut. There are many plant types to browse, each with remarkable capacities and purposes.

The zombies get shifted, similar to the garbage bin zombie, Buckethead zombie, conehead zombie, post vaulting zombie or, in any event, moving zombie that can gather reinforcement artist zombies. Likewise, numerous small-scale games can engage for quite a long time with their significantly more novel and different ongoing interaction.

Again, there is an endurance game to which you protect until you can no longer safeguard. Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK Release has a charming and incredible plan for plants and zombies. You can likewise make your own Zombatar with this game.

Defeat Legions Of Hilarious Zombies

You will again meet an insane person who will sell you many more plants or devices for you to utilize, or, now and then, have you accomplished something insane? One of the main disadvantages of this game is that it doesn’t uphold a more noteworthy goal size past 800×600.

So even on fullscreen, you are stuck on 800×600, will be a dark screen left and right half of the screen. Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK is an excellent pinnacle safeguard game. With numerous smaller-than-usual games and incredible interactivity, this game can make you plunk down before your PC for quite a long time.

I suggest this. It must be one of my number one youth games. I’ve played this game at a few events over the past ten years on my old PC, my neighbour’s iPhone, Android and any place I could during its initial years. I was around 10 when I previously played Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK. It’s a similar game as it should have been obvious, and nothing’s different.


  • Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK is Ideal for all ages
  • Smart cluster of plants and zombies
  • Great visuals and a unique soundtrack that rings in my mind.
  • Experience mode is silly and enjoyable to play!
  • Assortment of missions to keep the ongoing interaction new and intriguing
  • Successfully smoothes out the standard pinnacle safeguard recipe
  • Lots of challenge modes and additional items
  • Less expensive than a pack of chips during deals
  • 21 Steam accomplishments
  • Will deal with essentially any PC


  • You can’t increment the screening goal.
  • You can decide to play the game in windowed mode rather than full screen. Upholds 640×480 and 800×600.
  • Absence of choices to change illustrations.
  • Requires a long time to become tested.

Generally speaking

Would it be advisable for you to Purchase Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK?? Better believe it! If you wouldn’t fret playing it at a low-screen goal, certainly take the plunge! Assuming you need the better variant, take a stab at getting it on the cell phone. If you can live with that, PvZ is a fundamental yet astounding pinnacle guard game.

It requires around 35 hours to achieve 100 per cent accomplishments. There’s a free variant with promotions on Google Play and Apple Application Store, which is the most well-known one with north of 100 million downloads. The promotion-free variant costs 99 pennies.

Tower protection games have made some fantastic progress in these previous years, and just with Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK has this kind of game arrived at its pinnacle. While past manifestations have been somewhat unavailable to relaxed gamers, PopCap Games has done what they excel at and carried tower safeguard to the majority.


That is as well. Did I refer to the fact that it has plants AND zombies? The final product is a characteristic and habit-forming game that will make them cut down crowds of zombies sometime later.

Try not to say I didn’t caution you because once you begin playing the initial not many levels. Well, you understand. What could you, at any point, honestly say regarding Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK? It didn’t get a ‘Round Of The Year’ variant for no great explanation.

It’s more seasoned, from 2009. I concede I laugh a little perusing the remarks about individuals finding it nostalgic from their young life simply because I previously had children who likewise preferred playing this Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK when it came out.

Controller Support

When I consider games I’m thoughtful about, they are mainly from the last part of the 80s to mid-’90s. However, this Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK is mature enough to have sentimentality searchers hoping to play it. However, that is important for how great it is.

It has a backbone and gets viewed as a work of art. I appreciated playing it back in 2009, and thus did my children. I enjoyed replaying north ten years after the fact. I couldn’t say whether I’d call that a wistful play for me, simply a game you wouldn’t fret about getting back to throughout the long term.

Thirteen years have passed between my most memorable play and my last, and I must say the game has matured well overall. Its connection point, designs, mechanics and even foundation sounds are as yet excellent!

If you didn’t have the foggiest idea that the game was about ten years of age, you could confuse it with a later delivery. While the story is insignificant, it’s as definite as the need might arise to partake in the Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK.

Graphics and Sound

Fundamentally, zombies are eager for your mind and are attempting to get into your home. For reasons unknown, plants are the best guard, and if you plant things well, your cerebrums are protected.

There are a few little cutscene minutes where the zombies obligingly request to eat your mind and other crazy things, however, generally, there’s no genuine discourse or story, and this is, by and large, simply a decent relaxed technique Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK.

Each level has remarkable plants, zombie types, challenges, and at times discretionary, available (with in-game cash, not miniature buys) treats and overhauls. You can play one level or push through twelve. It’s somewhat of a habit-forming game, yet you can play it as casually as you like. You can replay levels attempting different techniques or attempting to acquire more to purchase things in-game.

Visuals and textures

There are small games that open as you progress that offer elective ways of playing and partake in the game as well. I don’t recollect whether there were accomplishments in the first game. However, I wasn’t quite a bit of an accomplishment dog in those days either; thus, it might have been something I neglected.

Be that as it may, this variant certainly has them, 21 to be careful. I appreciated that there’s a decent assortment of accomplishments in this Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK.  While some progress opens, others require significantly more ability and playing in new ways that truly challenge you.

Some are simple, most are modestly simple to a slight test, and others are tremendously hard. Those genuinely provide you with a feeling of achievement, like you accomplished something and indeed procured it.

Lighting and shadows

By and by, I discovered a few like the ones, including enduring quite a while in unending mode, to be the most troublesome and probably the most disappointing, yet with a touch of exertion and responsibility, you can accomplish every one of the accomplishments.

Don’t anticipate that it should happen excessively fast. It took me around 130 hours to get them all. However, most of that was agreeable time spent playing rather than simply crushing troublesome missing accomplishments.

It is the kind of game you can open up and play for 5 minutes or 2 hours, regardless of whether you’ve played it before the levels have replay esteem. It’s the Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK you return to burn through a brief period and loosen up.

Plant models

With how many stories and small games this has. How much amusement it has, I’d say it’s worth the $5 it costs at the maximum, whether you’re playing it for sentimentality or encountering it interestingly.

I used to play this Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK back in 2012-2014. It was a good time for me, and I got fixated on it, and then I outgrew it. Years passed, and in 2020, I concluded I planned to purchase the game on steam and play it.

However, I never played it, allowed it to sit in my steam library for quite some time, and never contacted it. A couple of months prior, I was getting into getting 100 per cent Accomplishments on my games and believed this would be a decent game to get 100 per cent on. So I played for a while and fell into my experience growing up.


I fell back in affection with this Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK/ I felt like my younger self and not set in stone to get each accomplishment in the game, and I did. Everything about this game is delicious, and there are so many plants to browse.

They all have their novel plan, and every one of them/sticks out, and that is one reason why I revere this game. The plants are so charming yet destructive that I will continuously recollect replaying the game on my iPhone.

So I can battle Dr Zomboss because the battle felt so fun. I could go on all day about the consummation; it is presumably one of the most mind-blowing ways of finishing a pinnacle and safeguarding game. with a music video with the Zombies you were battling this time was pretty grate.


Laura Shigihara did a meshwork singing the melody “There’s A Zombie On Your Lawn”. Anyways this Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK is only a 10/10 game, and it will remain as such forever. What do you do when there’s a zombie on your grass? If your response was, “I begin establishing blossoms to overcome him”, you’ve likely known about Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK.

Outfitted with many zombie-killing plants, from the exemplary Peashooter to the horrible Cherry Bomb, you’ll have to think quick and plant considerably faster to shut down a wide range of zombies and alarm them to death. When you believe you’re in charge, deterrents like a sunset, low haze and a pool add to the test. The good times won’t ever bite the dust with five game modes to investigate!

Variety Of vigorous plants

A swarm of zombies will attack, and your principal expectation is a weapons store of plants. Utilize split peas, snag nuts, and bomb cherries. Gather coins to purchase a pet snail and powers, and that’s just the beginning.

Boundless ongoing interaction

The Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK is never a similar encounter two times. Experience the activity hit that dominated more than 30 Match of the Year grants.

Investigate the reward content.

Add much more enjoyment to the rural spread. Make your zombie with Zombatar and get accomplishments like Grass Security and BATABUM!

Face 9 different game modes

Join the conflict through 50 levels of a pinnacle guard in Experience mode, then experience fun, smaller-than-usual games and different difficulties. Test your mind in Puzzlers mode (yet ensure to safeguard it from zombies!), remain alive as long as possible in Endurance mode and develop your plants in the quiet Harmony Nursery. On the rooftop and in the pool, you face 50 phases of Experience mode during the day, night and mist.

Defy over 30 plus sorts of zombies

Take on the jumpers, jumpers and even can heads. Need to get familiar with adversaries like the Moving Zombie? Peruse the Rural Chronicle and figure out what these brainless individuals think and how they act. Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK gets ensured fun.

No matter your age, it appears to be a more “infantile” game at first. However, this gets set aside when you depend on this awesome game. G4M3R5 is imperishable. Also, what is essential is enjoyment!


I have played this Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK for many years, and I believe now is the right time to rate it. The game is habit-forming and fun, an ideal continuation of the past game! There is a story mode and field where you can get loads of excellent new plants and rewards and fight one another!

When you finish the story mode, there are as yet heaps of things you can do! Like perpetual mode, where you attempt to get a lot of scores as expected, and you can likewise play occasions, there is another occasion every day, so it adds a ton of replayability.

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What's new

Spring is finally here! Time to lawn up, get green and check out the latest update to Plants vs. Zombies 2!

Spring Vine Championship - 3/25 - 4/21.

Thymed Event
Luck o’ the Zombie: 3/8 - 3/18.
The Springening: 3/25 - 4/9.


Version Size Requirements Date
11.3.1 31M 7.0 25/03/2024
10.8.1 31M 4.1 and up -
10.7.1 31M 4.1 and up -
10.6.1 31M 4.1 and up -
10.4.1 31M 4.1 and up -
10.3.1 31M 4.1 and up -
10.2.2 31M 4.1 and up -

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M200/Full Map/Zero Sun/No Reload


M200/NO Full Map/Zero Sun/No Reload


Mastery 999999/Zero Sun/No Reload


Lvl 1 All Plants Full Map


Lvl 1 All Plants No Full Map

Restart The Game To Activate (Zero Sun/No Reload/Mastery999)

Important Note:

Unzip/Extract the downloaded OBB, and put in the given path:Android → obb

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