American Farming APK 0.4.83 for android

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For people who want to learn more about managing farms, the American Farming Simulator is a deep and realistic experience. With its many features, realistic game mechanics, and attention to detail, this simulator offers hours of fun for both experienced gamers and those who have never played before.
4.3/5 Votes: 1,031
SquadBuilt Inc
Released on
Nov 18, 2023
Feb 4, 2024
1.2 GB
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App Information

Information Details
Package Name American Farming APK 0.4.83
Developer SquadBuilt Inc
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Content Rating Everyone
Architecture Universal
Version 1.4.89
Size 1.2 GB
Requirements 9
Last Update May 03, 2024
Date Update Feb 4, 2024
Verified AppSecure Verified
Average Rating 4.3/5
Page Views 4,434
Downloads 1,031
Comments Enabled Yes
Supported Platforms Android


For people who want to learn more about managing farms, the American Farming Simulator is a deep and realistic experience. With its many features, realistic game mechanics, and attention to detail, this simulator offers hours of fun for both experienced gamers and those who have never played before.

Graphics and visuals:

The beautiful graphics and realistic sights in American Farming Simulator are some of its best features. Every part of the game is beautifully drawn, from the huge fields to the very specific tools used. This makes for a truly immersive gaming experience. The attention to detail in the landscape, weather effects, and vehicle models enhances the realistic feel. This makes players feel like they are really in the farming world.

The graphics and pictures in American Farming Simulator are one of the most noticeable parts of the game and take it to a whole new level. First, let’s take a close look at this part:

1. Stunningly Real:

The American Farming Simulator has some of the most beautiful pictures I’ve ever seen. Everything about the scene is made with reality in mind, from the huge, open fields that go on forever to the finely detailed machinery that can be seen all over. There are a lot of different textures that make the surroundings feel real and full of life. It doesn’t matter if the pictures are of the lush green fields or the rough countryside; they take players to a world that feels really alive.

2. Care for the Little Things:

The attention to detail is one of the most amazing things about the visuals. From the famous Case QuadTrac 600 to the old International 1206, every vehicle and tool is accurately recreated. Everything about the equipment is very well done, right down to the tiny bolts and rivets. The landscape is just as detailed, with realistic lighting, weather effects, and plants that make you feel like you’re really in the world. There is a lot of attention to detail in every scene, from the way the crops sway in the wind to the way light and shade move across the land.

3. Effects of changing weather:

The game’s changing weather system makes the graphics look even more real. In the American Farming Simulator, the weather is always changing, from bright days to stormy nights. This makes the world feel alive and always changing. The rain hits the windows of cars in a realistic way, and lightning creates a stunning show of light and shade in the sky. These weather effects not only make the game feel more real, but they also change how you play by changing everything from how crops grow to how well your tools work.

4. Without any problems:

Even though the graphics are very complicated and detailed, American Farming Simulator runs smoothly and consistently the whole time. The game runs smoothly on both high-end gaming PCs and basic laptops, with no lag or stuttering that can be seen. This smooth performance lets players get lost in the world without having to worry about computer issues or graphical glitches.

5. Fully Immersive Experience:

In general, American Farming Simulator’s graphics and visuals make the game more engaging and interesting. When players look at the beautiful views of the countryside or get close to the machines, they are treated to a visual feast that brings the world of farming to life in amazing detail. The images and visuals in American Farming Simulator are the best in the genre. They are incredibly realistic, with great attention to detail, dynamic weather effects, smooth performance, and an immersive experience that will hook players from the moment they step foot on the farm.

Gameplay Mechanics:

American Farming Simulator is easy to learn and play because it has well-thought-out gameplay features that make it simple to run every part of a farm. From growing and harvesting crops to taking care of animals and using tools, the game simulates all the things that farmers do in real life. Adding realistic AI workers and full controller support makes the game even more fun to play and makes sure that managing a farm goes smoothly.

American Farming Simulator’s gameplay features are what make the game what it is: they give players a rich and realistic simulation of managing farms. Let’s take a closer look at these mechanics:

1. Realistic Activities for Farming:

Realistic farming tasks are what the American Farming Simulator is all about. The game realistically mimics every part of modern farming, from planting and harvesting crops to taking care of animals and running the machinery. The daily tasks of running a farm are given to the players, such as planning food rotations and making sure their animals are healthy and happy. With this much care for detail, the game becomes very real, capturing the difficulties and benefits of farming in the real world.

2. Complete Management of Equipment:

Taking care of a lot of different farming tools is an important part of the game. Players have a huge selection of vehicles and tools at their disposal, and each one has its own special skills and uses. There is a wide range of farming tools in the game, such as tractors, combine harvesters, plows, and seeders. To get the most out of their equipment, players must carefully choose and set it up, taking into account things like the type of crop, the state of the soil, and the weather patterns.

3. Making strategic choices:

Strategic decision-making is very important in the American Farming Simulator. Players have to make choices that will affect the success of their farm based on accurate information. Players have to carefully consider the risks and benefits of every choice they make, from what crops to plant and when to gather them to when to buy new tools or grow their businesses. Players are encouraged to think strategically about their long-term goals and interests because the game rewards players who plan ahead and think ahead.

4. Environment and weather that change:

The weather and environmental systems that change throughout the game give it more depth and reality. Rain, wind, and snow are just some of the weather conditions that players have to deal with. These changes can have a big effect on food growth, soil moisture, and how well equipment works. Players must be able to change their plans and tactics to deal with the constantly shifting conditions. This ever-changing setting makes the game fun and interesting by adding new challenges and chances every season.

5. Moving forward and achieving goals:

There is a satisfying progression system in American Farming Simulator that rewards players for their commitment and hard work. As players take care of their farms well and reach certain goals, they gain experience points and can access new content and features. Players are always pushing themselves to be more successful and achieve more, whether it’s by improving their tools, growing their businesses, or learning new farming skills.

The rules for playing American Farming Simulator are both complex and fun, making the experience of managing a farm realistic and enjoyable. With its realistic farming activities, full management of tools, strategic decision-making, changing environment and weather systems, and satisfying growth and achievement, the game gives players a real and fun farming experience that will keep them coming back for more.

Content and Variety:

One of the best things about the American Farming Simulator is how much material and variety it has. There are over 75 different cars and tools for players to choose from, so they can make their farms look the way they want them to. Different types of animal farms, crops, and fertilizer add depth and complexity to the game, making sure that players always have new problems to solve and objectives to reach.

There is a lot of material and variety in American Farming Simulator, which makes it stand out as a top farming simulation game. First, let’s take a close look at this part:

1. Different types of farming:

One great thing about the American Farming Simulator is that it lets you do a lot of different farming tasks. Players can take part in different parts of farming management, such as growing food, taking care of animals, and running machines. The game lets you plant and harvest fields of corn, soybeans, and wheat, as well as take care of animals like cows, pigs, and chickens. There are a lot of different things to do, so every player can find something they enjoy.

2. Large Selection of Equipment:

Players can choose from a wide range of farming tools in the game, giving them the power to complete any farm job. All the tools, like tractors, combiners, plows, and seeders, have been carefully recreated, and each one has its own set of abilities and functions. As there are more than 75 vehicles and tools to select from, players can make their farms unique and personalized to their wants and tastes.

3. Different Types of Crops:

There are different kinds of crops in the American Farming Simulator, so players can make their farms more interesting and try out different farming methods. It’s not the same to plant corn, soybeans, or wheat. Each crop has its own difficulties and benefits. To make sure their crops grow well and make the most money, players must carefully control things like the weather, pest control, and the fertility of the land.

4. Take care of livestock.

Another important part of the game is livestock management, which lets players take care of and raise different animals. Animals like cows, pigs, chickens, and sheep need food, water, and a place to live. Players must also take care of breeding and reproduction for these animals. Having livestock adds depth and complexity to the game because players have to balance what their animals need with what they need to do for their other farm activities.

5. Customization and Making It Your Own:

There are a lot of ways to customize American Farming Simulator, so players can make their farm and the game experience their own. Players are free to show their creativity and individuality by customizing everything from vehicles and tools to clothes for their characters. This level of customization makes the game more fun to play again and again, and it encourages players to try out different farming techniques and methods.

American Farming Simulator does a great job of offering a wide variety of materials and options that make the game fun and immersive. The game is unique in the farming simulation genre because it has a wide range of farming operations, a huge selection of equipment, different types of crops, ways to handle livestock, and a lot of ways to make the game your own.

Customization and Progression:

The game has a lot of customization choices, so players can make their farm look the way they want it to. Players can make every part of their farm and the game experience unique by picking from different tractor models, tire options, and clothing for their characters. The progression method is fair, and as players move from small farms to bigger, more profitable ones, they’ll feel like they’ve accomplished something.

Customization and advancement are important parts of American Farming Simulator that make the experience better for the player by letting them make it their own and giving them a sense of accomplishment. Let’s take a closer look at these points:

1. Customizing the farm:

One of the best things about the American Farming Simulator is how many ways there are to change how the farm looks. Players are free to make their farms look and work the way they like and fit the way they like to play. The game can be changed in many ways, from picking out the layout of fields and houses to picking out decorations and landscaping elements. This lets players make a farm that is completely unique and shows off their creativity and vision.

2. Customizing the equipment:

Players can change not only how their farms look but also how their gear looks and works to fit their needs and tastes. The American Farming Simulator lets players change a lot of things about their tractors and other farm tools, from the colors of their paint to the types of tires they have. This level of customization not only makes the game look better, but it also lets players make their tools work better for certain jobs and conditions, which makes the farm more efficient and productive.

3. Customizing your character:

Players can also change the way their in-game figure looks and acts, which lets them show who they are. There are many clothes and items in American Farming Simulator that players can use to make their own unique farmer avatar. Character customization lets players fully engage themselves in the farming experience, whether they’re choosing a stylish outfit for work in the field or adding hats and gloves as accessories.

4. System of Progress:

The American Farming Simulator has a strong progression system that awards players for their hard work and accomplishments. As players take care of their farms well and finish different goals and tasks, they gain experience points and can access new content and features. This feeling of progress gives players a real goal to work toward and keeps them playing. Whether it’s getting new gear, making the farm bigger, or learning new skills, the growth system makes the game more fun and lasts longer.

5. A sense of accomplishment:

In the end, American Farming Simulator’s customization options and growth give players a sense of accomplishment and happiness. People who work hard are recognized, whether it’s seeing their farm change and grow over time or getting access to new customization options and features. This feeling of accomplishment not only keeps people playing, but it also makes the game more fun and immersive overall.

Customization and progress are important parts of American Farming Simulator that make it more fun to play and help it become a popular farming simulation game. The game has a lot of ways to customize your farm, your gear, and your character. It also has a strong progression system that rewards players for their achievements. This makes the game fun and keeps people going back for more.

Overall Thoughts:

In general, American Farming Simulator is the best farming simulation game out there. With its stunning graphics, realistic gameplay, and huge amount of material, it gives players a truly immersive and interesting experience. Whether you’ve played a lot of farming simulators before or this is your first one, American Farming Simulator is sure to please and entertain you with its depth, variety, and attention to detail.

When it comes to farming simulation games, American Farming Simulator is the best. It gives players a very realistic and enjoyable experience. Here is a detailed look at how people felt about the game as a whole:

1. Enjoy an immersive gaming experience:

Immersion is something that players of American Farming Simulator feel from the very first moment they enter the game’s virtual world. The realistic farming activities, changing weather effects, and incredibly detailed world make it feel like it’s living and full of life. Every part of the game is meant to immerse players in farming and keep them interested for hours on end, whether they’re planting crops, taking care of animals, or managing tools.

2. Care for the Little Things:

The attention to detail in the American Farming Simulator is one of the things that makes it stand out. Every detail of the game has been carefully thought out to make it feel like you are really farming, from the accurately recreated farm tools to the realistic physics and mechanics. The care that went into every detail makes players feel like they are really in the world of farming, from the sound of the tractor engine starting up to the feel of the ground under their feet.

3. Variety and Value for Money:

There is a lot of material and variety in the American Farming Simulator, so players will always be able to find and explore something new. With its wide range of farming tasks, large inventory of tools, and flexible game modes, the game gives players a lot of freedom to try new things and create their own unique farming experience. This variety, along with the fun way to move through the game, makes sure that players will want to go back to the farm over and over again.

4. Help with the community and modding:

The group feature of the American Farming Simulator makes the experience even better. Players can find a lot of user-made content, like new vehicles, equipment, maps, and more, thanks to strong modding support and a lively online community. This helps not only make the game last longer, but it also brings players together and encourages them to work together, which makes the experience even better.

5. Overall Happiness and Pleasure:

The gaming experience in American Farming Simulator is unmatched, and it’s both fun and rewarding. The game is the best farming simulation game ever because it is so fun to play, has so much material, and has a strong community behind it. No matter how much you know about farming or how new you are to the genre, American Farming Simulator has something for everyone. It’s a must-play game for anyone who wants to feel what it’s like to live on a farm.

Final Verdict:

If you like farming simulation games, you have to play American Farming Simulator. With its beautiful graphics, fun gameplay, and huge amount of material, players of all skill levels can spend hours having fun and relaxing. American Farming Simulator is a realistic and fun game that makes you feel like you’re really farming, whether you’re harvesting crops, taking care of animals, or managing tools.

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Case Steiger Quadtrac 715 has been added to the Big Equipment Pack!
Bug Fixes & Performance improvements

Applied Patches

  • Your money increases as you spend in the game.
  • DLC package and items sold for real money in the game are unlocked.
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